

The region parameter specifies the Azure region where your Convox rack will be deployed. Choosing the appropriate region can impact latency, availability, and cost.

Default Value

The default value for region is eastus.

Use Cases

  • Latency Optimization: Select a region that is geographically close to your users to reduce latency.
  • Compliance: Choose a region that meets data residency and compliance requirements.
  • Cost Management: Different regions may have different pricing, so selecting the right region can help manage costs.

Setting Parameters

To set the region parameter, use the following command:

$ convox rack params set region=eastus -r rackName
Setting parameters... OK

This command sets the region parameter to the specified value.

Additional Information

Selecting the appropriate region is crucial for optimizing the performance and compliance of your applications. For more information on Azure regions, refer to the Azure documentation on regions and availability zones.